**Citizen Security Municipal Advisor**:
**Location**:San Jose, Costa Rica
**Work Type**: Full-time
**Clearance**: RSO Certification
**Duties and Responsibilities**:
- Works most closely with the US Embassy INL/SJ Citizen Security Program Manager (CSPM), the CS program specialist, the CS program assistant, Contracting Officer (CO), and Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).
- Maintains open, timely and effective communications with the CSPM and INL/CS Team on issues falling under the scope of work, resulting in a relationship that proactively addresses potential problems with flexible, workable solutions.
- Keeps INL and the CSPM informed of his/her activities through a Travel/Engagement Form and report on all travel activities in the Monthly and Quarterly Reports.
- Works directly with the INL/SJ CSPM, the Ministry of Public Security, the Costa Rican Police (Fuerza Publica), the National Mayors Association (ANAI), the National Local Governments Association (UNGL) and all local governments to implement the citizen security assessment tool "Sembremos Seguridad" and strengthen GOCR Security programs.
- Trains municipalities in how to use the Sembremos Seguridad diagnostic and how to address the lines of action in each diagnostic.
- Assists INL to strengthen and enhance the local governments' (municipalities') ability to understand their role in security.
- Assists INL to coordinate program development, implementation and reporting with other Costa Rican entities, INL advisors, and other advisors or contractors working for the INL program in Costa Rica and as appropriate, throughout the region.
- Assists INL to coordinate with ANAI and UNGL to provide training to mayors and municipal personnel (including municipal police) in Sembremos Seguridad.
- Provides input in how to draft projects and programs that addresses the Sembremos seguridad diagnostic, and advise the municipality on how to plan and allocate funding for these projects.
- Provides assistance to INL for local governments regarding this new citizen security tool, and coordinate training where needed.
- Assists INL to coordinate with municipalities and Fuerza Publica to help them get the "mesas de articulacion local" mechanism working accordingly.
- Assists INL in the creation of the regional monitoring centers for Fuerza Publica and local governments.
His/her assistance will be in advising the CSPM and keeping track of the agreements between municipalities that allows them to be part of this project.
- Works with INL to assist the "CIR Social" to keep their work aligned with the Sembremos Seguridad strategy and advise them as needed.
- Monitors for INL the municipalities' progress and performance and make suggestions for improvements to the Sembremos Seguridad diagnostic.
- Supports security efforts for local governments (such as the regional monitoring centers).
- Assist INL during the implementation of Sembremos Seguridad activities and help to develop proper evaluation and follow-up mechanisms.
- Assists INL in the preparation of quarterly and annual progress reports regarding Sembremos Seguridad implementation in municipalities, as well as an annual strategic plan.
- Attends meetings with U.S. and host government officials as requested, including the regional working group meetings and or mesas de articulacion local.
- Suggests avenues for mid-course correction if a program is not achieving its goals.
- Keep the CSPM, and INL U.S. personnel, as appropriate, informed and briefed on all matters relating to Sembremos Seguridad in municipalities.
- Assist INL in the administration of surveys in municipalities that assess the impact of Sembremos Seguridad and or INL projects in each cantonment.
- Travels with or without INL CSPM and or other CS team members to various sites in Costa Rica to evaluate the progress of the Sembremos Seguridad model, and ongoing programs and efforts in municipalities.
If needed, he or she must accompany the CSPM to the municipal councils to present the different INL efforts in each cantonment.
- Ensure program monitoring and support efforts align with Metrics data collection and evaluation efforts and submit monthly or quarterly reports to the Metrics & Evaluation Assistant.
- Provide ongoing support and guidance to municipal staff involved in implementing the "Sembremos Seguridad" program, including training development and delivery.
- Stay abreast of relevant regulations, policies, and best practices related to municipal governance and community safety, integrating them into the "Sembremos Seguridad" master plan.
- Assist in the preparation of reports and presentations to communicate the outcomes of the"Sembremos Seguridad" program and make recommendations for future enhancements.
- Participate in meetings, workshops, and conferences to share knowledge and exchange ideas with other municipal advisors and industry professionals, with a focus on the "Sembremos Seguridad" initiative.